Wisdom tooth removal is a simple, but a painful procedure. It requires a decent skillset and expertise. The cost of the procedure is what you pay for the doctor’s skills. If you want to get your tooth extracted, you might want to check out the wisdom tooth extraction cost singapore. And it does not come cheap.
The reason for tooth removal can be many. They could be affected. They can be caught in your jawbone or gums, which can be difficult.They develop in a different position than it was meant to be in. They might press against adjacent tooth causing severe pain.
After the surgery, you might want to use an ice pack to control the pain. If your jaws are sensitive, it may hurt. Always try opening your mouth slowly so that it does not hurt. This is temporary. For a few days, try not to use straws for your drinks. When washing, do it gently. Avoid hard candies, crunchy food, and food with too many strong flavours for a few days. If you are a smoker, take it down for a while.
Costs for extraction
The removal of a wisdom tooth is cheaper when surgery is not involved. In Singapore, it costs around $150 to $400 for one tooth removal. Extraction process costs around these ranges. But when surgery is involved, the cost goes high up to a solid $700 to $1300, that too for one tooth extraction.
These costs may vary slightly from one clinic to another. But these ranges are standard wisdom tooth extraction cost Singapore.